Coatings & Films - Textiles

Chomarat Coatings & Films

Legal Notice

Site Owner

Compagnie Chomarat
S.C.A au capital de 5403218 EUR
Siège social : 30 rue des Saints-Pères, 75007 PARIS, FRANCE
SIRET 950 397 455 000 78
RCS Paris 950397 455
TVA FR82 950 397 455
Email :
Tel : +33 4 75 29 81 00

Publication Director

Michel Cognet

Web Hosting

o2switch, 222 Boulevard Gustave Flaubert, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, FRANCE
Phone : +33.(0) 4 44 44 60 40

CNIL simplified declaration number



CHOMARAT, the owner of this Website, continually endeavours to ensure the accuracy of all of the information contained on the website upon its online publication and to guarantee its availability.

CHOMARAT reserves the right to modify or to amend the information and documents published on this Website at any time, without prior notice.

CHOMARAT (as well as any other Entity of the CHOMARAT Group) will not be held liable for any errors or omissions in the information published online or for technical problems encountered with the Website and any other website it has links to, or for any interpretation of information published on these websites, as well as the consequences of their use.

All of the properties concerning our products are average values given for information purposes only and they cannot be used as specifications. The information supplied is based on CHOMARAT’s current state of knowledge. All of this information is believed to be correct, however it does not engage the responsibility of CHOMARAT. Internet users must evaluate the product according to its intended use.

Intellectual property

This entire Website is protected by French and international legislation relating to intellectual property. All reproduction rights are reserved. The body of the texts which make up the web pages of the Website cannot, in accordance with items L122-4, L335-2 and L335-3 of the Intellectual Property Code, be represented or reproduced in full or in part by any means whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever, without prior express consent of CHOMARAT.

Company names, logos, products and brands represented by the symbols ® or ™ are the property of CHOMARAT and/or of Entities of the CHOMARAT Group and cannot be used without the prior written consent of the company concerned.


Except upon prior written consent from CHOMARAT, it is forbidden for third parties to create links towards:

  • the homepage,
  • any of the pages of the Website,
  • a document contained on the Website.

Any authorisation requests are to be addressed to the Publishing Director of the Website.

Data collected on the Website

Every visitor to this Website who supplies information to CHOMARAT consents all transferable rights relating to this information to CHOMARAT and authorises the latter to use this information as it sees fit. The information supplied by visitors will be considered as non-confidential and it must be correct, lawful and not harm the interests of third parties.

Specifically in relation to personal data collected on the Website, visitors are informed that the Website processes data in several ways in order to ensure the communication and exchange of information with visitors:

  • to reply to written requests by visitors to different sections which are designed to this effect
  • to address to visitors the documents they require
  • to manage responses to job offers published on the Website


The data collected:

  • originates solely from information voluntarily recorded by visitors,
  • is for internal use only and is addressed to the people responsible for processing the visitor’s request;
  • is conserved only for the necessary length of time required to achieve the previously defined purposes.

In accordance with the “data processing and civil liberties” law of January 6th, 1978, amended in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify your personal data. To do so, please contact:

CHOMARAT Communication Department

39 avenue de Chabannes 07160 Le Cheylard – France


You may also, for legitimate reasons, oppose to the processing of your personal data.

Chomarat Coatings & Films